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Verify Your Data

Prevent fraud and ensure the accuracy of your data.

Data Verification
Data Verification

How Data Verification Works

One of the best ways to prevent fraud and inaccurate data from entering your systems and CRMs is to verify the data at the time of collection or prior to loading into your systems. Our Data Verification solutions allow you to verify the essential contact data attributes, such as name, address, phone number and email. Many of our solutions include verification scores which you can use to remove fraudulent data or initiate a process to validate incorrect information with your customers. Verify your data and move forward with confidence.

Before Data Verification
Steven Johanssen
Phone Number
+1 234 567-8910
Email Address
After Data Verification
Steven Johanssen
Phone Number
+1 234 567-8910
Email Address

Using Data Verification

Reach 2

Prevent Fraud:
Reduce fraudulent transactions by filtering out customers with low verification scores.


Gain confidence in addresses, names, and numbers:
Leverage a variety of tools to verify multiple types of customer info.


Provide essential services:
Data verification at the time of data collection allows you to ensure you have the correct contact information on file so your future outreach attempts will be successful.

Data Verification Using
Data Verification What It Can Do
and API Solutions
24 hours
Batch processing turn around time

What Data Verification Can Do

  • Telified 3D: verify whether a name, address, and phone number are accurate and current. 
  • Telified AI: verify whether a phone number is active and dialable or disconnected.
  • Email Validation: verify whether an email is valid and deliverable. 

See Data Verification in Action

Our services are designed for flexibility and accessibility, offering both per-service and per-job pricing options. Whether you require a one-time data verification task to ensure list accuracy or ongoing processing for maintaining list consistency as it expands, our services are comprehensive.


Batch Processing

Send us the data you need verified in the file format you prefer. We refresh and return it within 24 hours. Our team ensures this process is seamless.


Realtime API Processing

Send a query for data and receive an immediate response using our easy-to-implement REST and SOAP API options from IDICIA, our real-time division.

Phone and Email Append
Untitled Design 10
Verified Number
+1 234-567-8910
Call Answer
Call Hangup
Data Verification Stats 2
Billions of Records Processed
Data Verification Compliance

Ensure Your Compliance

Our team has decades of experience working with clients to understand and implement solutions to be compliant with regulations. We can help educate you and your team on the compliance solutions available to you

Feel confident in your customer list